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As I was on a brisk walk this morning to stave off the jitters of this Pandemic, I was having a little talk with God about this Coronavirus thing. I have to humbly admit, this Pandemic has brought me a little closer to my faith.   Confused by the unknowns, I was asking God for insight and guidance when, curiously, I saw a young Dad and his little boy about 4 years old, super engaged with one another. They were obviously talking about the toys on the table in front of them, but there was a very strong and deep connection between the two of them. I've passed this old porch many times before and have never seen the father and son outside together.   As I watched the Beautiful Connection between them, I was moved to chills and tears.   The tension and anxiety within me dissipated.   Maybe there was much to learn from this old little porch.   I haven’t been able to get this picture out of my head and as I reflect on it now, I am filled with a different kind of h...

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